Plan Profile Drawings for Profile Leveling and Cross Sections

Define the following terms: i) Level line ii) Bench Mark iii) Change indicate iv) Contour levelling
Last Answer : i) Level line - It is line lying in a level surface; it is therefore, normal to the plumb line at all points. ii) Bench Mark - These are fixed points or marks of known RL determined with ... the centerline of a proposed ditch or road or the centerline of a natural characteristic such as a stream bed.

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Explain importance of benchmark in levelling.
Final Answer : i. Every bit bench mark is the ground indicate whose elevation or R.Fifty. is known or preassumed; the back sight reading (first reading) is taken on it. This back sight (BS) reading is useful to calculate ... and Risefall method. iv. The BM is useful to check the ane day'south observation through check levelling.

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Enlist various methods of levelling.
Last Answer : Methods of leveling: i. Unproblematic levelling ii. Differential levelling 3. Longitudinal levelling 4. Cross section levelling v. Fly levelling 6. Check levelling vii. Reciprocal levelling viii. Contour levelling

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Explain the procedure of finding area of irregular effigy by polar planimeter. Besides draw sketch of polar planimeter.
Terminal Answer : Process: ane. Set the scale on the tracing arm equally per manufacturer's instruction. 2. Select the position of anchor indicate inside or exterior the figure such that tracing point reaches all positions of ...  Use + sign for clockwise and - sign for anticlockwise crossing of zero of dial.

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Explain the stepwise procedure of estimating volume of reservoir from whatsoever contour map.
Last Answer : Reservoirs are made for water supply and for ability or irrigation projects. A profile map is very useful to report the possible location of a dam and the volume of h2o to be confined. All ... reservoir can exist estimated by the application of either the trapezoidal or the prismoidal formula.

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Mention the procedure of fly leveling and land the purpose of doing it.
Terminal Respond : Procedure: ane. Ready up the level at a bespeak from where BM is visible and perform temporary adjustments. ii. Position of the level should be approximately midway between the BS and FS stations. 3. ... accuracy of survey. three. To connect the B.Yard at any intermediate betoken of the alignment.

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Describe procedure for measuring area using digital planimeter.
Terminal Answer : The procedure of measurement of an surface area using digital planimeter is as follows: i. Take the area on the plane surface of table and fix it with clips so that while measurement it does not movement. ... the end push button. vi. The area of given figure is displayed in digital brandish of digital planimeter.

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What is meant by profile leveling and cross-sectioning ?
Last Reply : contour leveling : To know the nature of the footing surface the profile leveling is done forth the Middle of the road at some regular intervals if required, staff readings may besides be taken at points ... surface transverse to the Centre of the road. The length depend upon the nature of the piece of work.

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Explain the Stepping method of measuring the horizontal distance of sloping ground with sketch.
Terminal Reply : In direct method which is too known as stepping method, horizontal distance is direct measured every bit shown in fig. Stepping Method Horizontal distance between A and B is required to be measured. Process ... next step starts from the C and the method is continued till betoken B reached.

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Listing whatever 4 methods of plotting a compass traverse survey & explain any 1 in cursory. Besides state the meaning of adjustment of closing error of traverse.
Last Answer : Methods of plotting compass traverse are: 1. By parallel meridian through each station. 2. By included angle. 3. By paper protractor. 4. By rectangular co-ordinates. five. ... . v. Finally join new points to get corrected traverse ABCDEA after graphical adjustment of closing fault.

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Explain four uses of contour map.
Final Answer : Following are uses of contour map: i To draw longitudinal department and programme of given map. 2 To determine inter-visibility between two points. 3 To trace profile gradient and to locate road ... surfaces and measurement of earth piece of work. vii To make up one's mind nature of ground in proposed area.

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Explicate temporary aligning of dumpy level.
Last Reply : Temporary adjustment of dumpy level: I. Setting up the level. i. The level fixed on tripod. ii. The legs of tripod stand are well spread so that the level will remain stable on tripod. ... spiral till the image is distinct and clear. The cross hair on the diaphragm should too be seen clearly.

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Explicate the principle of surveying.
Terminal Answer : Principle of surveying are as follows: i. To work from whole to part. According to the beginning principle, the whole area is first enclosed by main stations and main survey ... The new station or ground point is located using linear measurement or athwart measurement or both measurements.

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What is surveying?
Last Answer : Surveying is defined as taking a full general view of, by ascertainment and measurement determining the boundaries, size, position, quantity, status, value etc. of country, estates, edifice, farms ... , datasheets, drawings and in land surveying maps and plan showing the features on the state.

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Differentiate between WCB & RB
Concluding Reply : Whole circumvolve bearing (WCB)  Reduced Begetting (RB) 1. The horizontal bending made by a line with the magnetic north in the clockwise direction is the whole circle bearing of the line. ane.The horizontal bending made ... . Instance: N26°E, S59°E, S65°W, N10°Westward etc.  half-dozen. Fig.   half dozen. Fig.

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Write any two precautions to be taken while using planimeter.
Last Answer : 1. Set the ballast betoken inside or outside the effigy depending on size of figure. If the area is very big ,it can exist divided into number of sections. 2. The value of C ( ... moved preciously over the boundary of figure. 3. Operating manual shall be referred before operating different functions

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Define i) Back Sight Reading two) Height of instrument
Last Answer : i) Back Sight Reading: This is the kickoff staff reading taken in any set up of the musical instrument after leveling has been perfectly washed. This reading is e'er taken on a bespeak of known RL i.e on demote mark ... by adding the BS reading to the RL of the BM or CP on which the staff reading was taken.

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State the types of benchmarks.
Final Answer : 1) Swell Trigonometrical Survey criterion (GTS) two) Permanent Benchmark iii) Temporary Criterion 4) Arbitrary Criterion

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Land whatever 4 types of tapes
Last Answer : 1) Material / Linen Tape two) Metallic Tape three) Steel Record four) Invar Tape 5) Digital Tape half dozen) Constructed Tape

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List any iv instruments used for linear measurement
Last Answer : 1) Chain two) Tape iii) Arrows iv) Pegs 5) Ranging rod

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Land the object of surveying.
Terminal Answer : 1. The object of surveying is to prepare a plan / map to evidence the relative positions of the objects on the surface of the world. It shows the natural features of a country such equally rivers, hills, lakes ... of unlike points. 3. To determine expanse of given piece of state. 4. To ready contour maps.

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State the classification of surveying based on nature of field.
Final Answer : a) Country surveying b) Marine or Navigation surveying c) Astronomical surveying

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Mention any four points to be kept in mind while entering the staff reading in a level field book.
Last Reply : The following points kept in mind while entering the staff reading in a level field book. 1) The reading should be entered in the respective columns and in order of their observation. 2) The ... accurately described in the Remarks column, and their sketches drawn on the left hand side of the folio.

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State the adjustment of dumpy level on field.
Terminal Answer : Adjustment of dumpy level on field: I. Setting upward the level. i. The level fixed on tripod. ii. The legs of tripod stand are well spread and then that the level volition remain stable on tripod. ... screw till the image is singled-out and articulate. The cross hair on the diaphragm should also be seen clearly.

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Listing whatever 8 component parts of prismatic compass with their function in brief.
Terminal Answer : Component parts of compass with their function. Sr.No Component Function 1 Circular metallic box  To protect needle and pivot. 2 Steel pivot To carry magnetic ... prism to eye sight of observer 14 Magnetic needle To obtain the due north direction.

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Land any two uses of survey
Last Answer : Post-obit are the uses of survey one) It is basically useful for the measurement of areas. 2) It is useful for other purposes, such every bit engineering science, architectural, commercial, scientific, ... plans in connection with legal documents. iv) Surveying plays an important part in military machine operations.

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List whatever iv component parts of digital planimeter.
Last Answer : Components of digital planimeter: i) Digital display ii) Rolling wheel or Rollers iii) Tracing arm iv) Office keys or buttons five) Sliding wheel vi) Magnifying glass

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List any four types of bench marks.
Last Answer : Following are the four types of bench marking (a) GTS Demote-Marks (b) Permanent Bench-Marks (c) Capricious Demote-Marks (d) Temporary Bench-Marks

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State the meaning of term true bearing.
Last Reply : The horizontal angle between the line and true meridian is called a true begetting of the line.

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Define: (i) kickoff , (two) Tie line
Last Answer : (i) showtime The footing features such equally buildings, boundaries, roads ,nallas etc, are located with reference to the chain lines. Distances are measured from the chain lines to the objects right or ... points as tie stations on the main chain lines. It enables surveyor to locate the interior details.

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Listing component parts of digital planimeter.
Last Reply : Components of digital planimeter: i) Digital display ii) Rolling wheel or Rollers iii) Tracing arm four) Function keys or buttons 5) Sliding cycle vi) Magnifying drinking glass

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Define the terms "contour" and "profile line".
Last Reply : Contour: An imaginary line on the ground, joining the points of same elevation or same R.L's is called every bit Profile.  Counter Line: A line passing through points of equal superlative or equal R.Fifty's ... OR The line of intersection of a level surface with basis surface is known as profile line.

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Define the term "line of sight".
Last Reply : It is the line joining the intersection of cantankerous hairs of diaphragm to the Optical center of object glass and its continuation. It is also called equally Line of collimation.

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Listing the types of tiptop.
Last Answer : one. Truthful meridian two. Magnetic pinnacle iii. Arbitrary meridian 4. Grid pinnacle

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List different types of tapes based on fabric of which they are fabricated.
Last Answer : i) Cloth or Linen tape 2) Metallic Record iii) Steel Record 4) Invar Tape 5) Fiber Glass wired Tape

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Define representative fraction of scale.
Last Reply : Representative fraction of calibration: A map scale in which figures representing units (every bit centimeters, inches, or feet) are expressed in the form of the fraction one/10 (as i/250,000) or of the ratio 1: ... that i unit on the map represents x units (as 250,000 centimeters) on the earth's surface.

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Land the classification of survey based on object of survey.
Concluding Answer : Classification of survey based on object of survey - When surveying is carried out for special purpose then survey is classified based on purpose or objective as follows - i. Geological ... geographic data in the form of digital geo databases and traditional topographic air and marine maps.

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Draw conventional symbols for i) Compound wall 2) Pucca Building 3) Cutting iv) Beach
Last Answer : i) Chemical compound wall ii) Pucca Building iii) Cut iv) Embankment

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Define: i) Magnetic bearing two) FB iii) BB four) Begetting of line.
Last Answer : i. Magnetic bearing; The begetting of a line measured with respect to magnetic north in clockwise way is called every bit magnetic bearing. 2. Fore bearing: The bearing observed in the direction of progress ... made by survey line with respect to meridian (N direction) is known as bearing of line.

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Enlist the components of digital planimeter.
Last Answer : Components of digital planimeter: i. Digital display ii. Rolling wheel or Rollers 3. Tracing arm four. Functional keys or buttons 5. Sliding cycle

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Define "Contour" and "Contour line".
Last Respond : Contour: An imaginary line on the footing, joining the points of aforementioned elevation or same R.L's is called every bit Contour'. Profile line: A line passing through points of equal meridian or equal R.L' ... OR The line of intersection of a level surface with footing surface is known as contour line.

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State pregnant of i) A calibration of plan ii) Drawing to calibration.
Last Reply : i. A Scale of plan: A scale of program is a ratio of linear dimensions of an object as represented in drawing to bodily dimensions of the aforementioned object.  ii. Drawing to calibration: The proportion by which the cartoon of an object is enlarged or reduced is called as drawing to scale.

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Country whatsoever two causes of local attraction.
Last Answer : Local attraction caused due to attraction of magnetic needle by post-obit sources: i. Iron or steel structure two. Electric cable line iii. Wires four. Atomic number 26 poles v. iron ore vi. Bunch of central vii. Knife viii. Steel Record ix. Earth'south gravitational force of attraction

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Define plane survey and geodetic survey.
Last Answer : Aeroplane survey: The survey in which curvature of the earth is non taken in to consideration is called as plane survey.  Geodetic survey: The survey in which curvature of the earth is taken in to consideration is called as geodetic survey.

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Ascertain "Chain survey".
Last Answer : Chain Survey: The Survey in which only linear measurements are taken in the field with the assist of concatenation and remaining work such as plotting, calculation etc. are washed in the office, is called as concatenation survey.

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Profile levelling is commonly done for determining  (A) Contours of an area  (B) Capacity of a reservoir  (C) Elevations along a straight line  (D) Boundaries of property
Final Reply : (C) Elevations forth a straight line

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Describe in cursory profile levelling.
Last Reply : The functioning of taking levels along the center line of whatever alignment at regular interval is called longitudinal or contour levelling. Along the alignment, spots are marked at regular interval ... the points are plotted against their chainage to obtain ground profile along the alignment.

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Explain with nifty diagram i) Sectioning and paralleling post ii) Sub sectioning post
Last Reply : i) Sectioning and Paralleling Mail service: Explanation of Sectioning and Paralleling Post: ane. The power supply organization is as shown in above effigy for two track lines between feeding posts and ... subsection or the other. four. In that location is no interrupter for paralleling the up and downwards track line

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If someone biographied your life, what major sectioning would you lot similar to come across assigned to the epic piece of work?
Last Answer : reply:Biographied? As a verb? Really? Education, Childhood Travels, Career, Wedlock and False Starts

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While viewing through a level telescope and moving the center slightly, a relative movement occurs betwixt the epitome of the levelling staff and the cross hairs. The musical instrument is (A) Correctly focussed (B) Not correctly focussed (C) Said to have parallax (D) Free from parallax
Terminal Answer : (C) Said to take parallax

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